The Pier Shareware 9
The Pier Shareware #9 (Pier Exchange).ISO
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File List
362 lines
0PINUS95.ZIP 221028 12-04-95 Pinnacle Computer's 1995 US BBS Directory
144BBSL5.ZIP 18140 12-01-95 12/01/95 - 14.4k bps BBS List - ASCII A BBS
| list of US BBS phone numbers supporting v.32
| v.32bis, v.fast class and v.34 CONNECTs
| sorted by Area Code. Read README.NOW for
| very important news. From The DownTown BBS
| - Los Angeles, CA 213-484-0260 [v.32bis]
| Telnet to dwntwn.com (
300TERU.ZIP 1433163 11-23-95 TERMINATE 3 The Final Datacomms Terminal
| This has been modified to automaticaly
| update Terminate with FIX300.EXE &
| FIX300X.EXE Extremely Powerful Terminal
| Program with many Features: Fax, VT52,
| VT100, VT220, ANSI Avatar, Cost Calculation,
| File Manager, Point System, Scripts, Mini
| BBS. Settings for over 200 modem types,
| UART, Fossil, Int 14h, ISDN B-Channel
| Bundling, Digiboard, IEMSI, Doorway
40CID_B2.ZIP 35249 12-27-95 CallID device driver for modems with CallID.
412_BBS.ZIP 4646 02-17-96 412_BBS.TXT Bulletin Board Systems list for
| 412 area code-Pittsburgh,PA February,1996
| From MetroPit BBS (412)487-9223
4ASRV270.ZIP 450656 12-11-95 The TechSmith Foray PPP Server is a cost
| efficient communications software solution
| for accessing corporate network resources
| The Foray PPP Server brings the corporate
| Internet connection, as well as TCP/IP and
| IPX network services, to the remote user The
| Server supports individuals dialing in with
| Windows 95, Windows NT, WinSock PPP
| packages, or PPP clients
| Revised 11/24/95. Delete file on 02/06/96
| The ONLY VERIFIED LIST of South Jersey 609
| area online systems. (C)1995 Dave Schubert
| Revised 02/01/96. Delete file on 04/06/96
| The ONLY VERIFIED LIST of South Jersey 609
| area online systems. (C)1996 Dave Schubert
ACL1295.ZIP 36834 12-12-95 AC BBS List - December, 1995 DC/MD/VA METRO
| Area A menu driven, verbose list in .EXE
| format of Wildcat! Bulletin Boards in the
| 202, 301 and 703 area codes, with option to
| print Compliments of C'mon Inn BBS
| Gaithersburg, MD, USA 301) 948-0952 FIDO
| 1:109/736
ADF_110.ZIP 14798 11-22-95 v1.10) ADF, AnDan Software Fossil ADF is a
| Fossil driver for high speed modem users.
| Supports 16550, 115200 bps, Fossil ver 5,
| multitasking environments
BBS224.ZIP 176067 01-01-96 BBS Access from MicroFox Company is a very
| easy-to-use data communications program for
| calling BBSs and uploading & downloading
| files. The protocols included are ASCII
| Kermit, Xmodem, Ymodem, Zmodem, Xmodem/1K
| Xmodem/G, Ymodem/G. It can capture screens
| to file and will record the time and length
| of each call. BBS can change and save modem
| initialization strings and all screen colors
| can be changed & saved. <ASP> {STAR} [ASAD
BBS225.ZIP 176130 02-02-96 BBS Access from MicroFox Company is a very
| easy-to-use data communications program for
| calling BBSs and uploading & downloading
| files. The protocols included are ASCII,
| Kermit, Xmodem, Ymodem, Zmodem, Xmodem/1K,
| Xmodem/G, Ymodem/G. It can capture screens
| to file and will record the time and length
| of each call. BBS can change and save modem
| initialization strings and all screen colors
| can be changed & saved. <ASP> {STAR} [ASAD]
BBS_1203.ZIP 6925 12-03-95 This is the Brand New 12-03-95 Modesto Area
| BBS List by The Karate Kid - Sysop of The
| Connection BBS! I try to put it out at
| least once a month Now with ASCII, ANSI and
| with Telemate Phone Dir Please inform me of
| any changes or additions to the BBSList so I
| can fix it. All Systems were up at the date
| the list was compiled. If you know
| different, Please let me know Dennis The
| Karate Kid
BCOM23.ZIP 116298 11-13-95 BananaCom 2.3 VERY simple com software
| Excellent for the first time modem user and
| perfect for people who help people use
| modems. Provides auto ZModem, auto
| ANSI/VT100 terminal emulation, dialing
| directory stored as a text file, auto port
| and speed scan and much more. Has several
| features for sysops/ISP's that want to hand
| it out to potential new users. Full
| documentation is generated after
| installation. Works with DOS Windows 3.x
| and Windows 95
BCOM23B.ZIP 117999 01-31-96 BananaCom 2.3b VERY simple com software
| Excellent for the first time modem user and
| perfect for people who help people use
| modems. Provides auto ZModem, auto
| ANSI/VT100 terminal emulation, dialing
| directory stored as a text file, auto port
| and speed scan and much more. Has several
| features for sysops/ISP's that want to hand
| it out to potential new users. Full
| documentation is generated after
| installation. Works with DOS Windows 3.x
| and Windows 95
BFCOM12.ZIP 7730 12-07-95 BF-COM v1.2 MODEM UTILITY BF-COM is a simple
| yet reliable prg that will take your modem
| OFF-HOOK, and put it back ON-HOOK using
| small simple one line commands
| telephone dialer program. Includes 50
| autodial memories (with 10 quickdial
| memories), instant memory access and
| storage, ring detection data answer, and
| much more 20+S&H from ViperSoft
CMMO65F.ZIP 69736 11-17-95 {COMMO} 6.5f - BETA TEST RELEASE. You need
| the full COMMO65.ZIP to use this software!
| High-performance DOS terminal program.
| Chosen by professionals for it's speed,
| reliability and versatility. Easy,
| comprehensive macro programming language.
| {COMMO} is very friendly to the visually
| impaired. Shareware.
COMMO66.ZIP 201810 12-16-95 {COMMO} 6.6 - High-performance DOS terminal
| program, also excellent under Windows and
| OS/2. Chosen by professionals for it's
| speed, reliability and versatility. Easy,
| comprehensive macro programming language
| addresses almost any communications need.
| {COMMO} is very friendly to the visually
| impaired. This release features refinements
| to existing features and many technical
| improvements. Shareware.
CREATCOM.ZIP 117115 02-03-96 Creature Com Freeware communications program
| Will find and configure a modem itself. No
| modem knowledge needed! Be up and calling
| within 30 seconds from installation Works in
| Dos, Win3.x, and Win95
CYBR150.ZIP 850258 11-30-95 CyberCom v1.50 Released: December 1st, 1995
| A feature packed DOS communication package.
| With support for multiple devices
| configurations. Background dialing and file
| transferring with standard protocols. Has a
| built in filemanager, filetagger and the
| largest scrollback buffer of um all! YAPP,
| IEMSI protocols and multiuser
| access/restrictions also supported + much
| more Gk Megalomania Software, 1995
CYBR151U.ZIP 277943 12-15-95 CyberCom v1.51 Updates executable fixing
| dialing delay problem. MUST HAVE CYBERCOM
| 1.50->1.51 Megalomania Software, 1995
DHIU3.ZIP 220146 12-20-95 Hang-It-Up 1.0 Schedule a dial-up connection
| to close after any time period you like
EMPBBS08.ZIP 28323 02-17-96 Employment BBS List as of 02-01-96 Online
| Job Search Assistance. Includes Complete
| System Profiles of Independent, Recruiter,
| State Federal, Company and Internet Sources
| of Job Vacancy Information. Compiled by the
| Staff of the Executive Connection
| Information System A Must For Every Serious
| Job Search
FAXWZ501.ZIP 36854 11-24-95 FaxModem Wizard v5.01 is used to install
| hardware and software on COM1 through COM4
| in IBM compatible computers. To fine tune
| your computer or if you have a hardware
| conflict use these utilities
FI960103.ZIP 39838 01-03-96 List of FINNISH 24h BBS's 3.1.1996
FLASH140.ZIP 270403 12-03-95 Flashrom upgrade to version 1.4 for cardinal
| modems.
GBBS0196.ZIP 22901 01-01-96 GBBS0196.ZIP - New GREEN BBS List! -
| 01/01/96 THE* International Environmental
| BBS Listing Sponsored by GreenNet from The
| Earth Art BBS Includes: System/SysOp Name,
| Phone #, Fastest Connect Rate, Hours and
| Type of BBS Software Be a "GREEN BBS Scout"
| - Send in Updates &/Or Corrections to Earth
| Art BBS at 803-552-4389 Fido FREQable Magic
| Name: GREENBBS (1:372/50 EPA Online Library
| System Help File Included Eco-SysOps: To
| Join GreenNet FREQ "GREENKIT
GSBBS036.ZIP 143347 12-01-95 The Garden State BBS List, NJ's Best Listing
| December 1995
HM951108.ZIP 9496 11-08-95 Hartford/Manchester Area BBS List 11-08-95
| from Spacedock 666-4999 (860), 1:142/499
| Replaces HM951008.ZIP and earlier lists
IPDIAL18.ZIP 55843 12-17-95 Slip dialer stdin/out terminal program.
LABBS_B6.ZIP 43940 02-01-96 Los Angeles Area BBS List - February, 1996.
| A menu driven, verbose list in .EXE format
| of Bulletin Boards in the 213, 310 and 818
| area codes
LABBS_L5.ZIP 44373 12-01-95 Los Angeles Area BBS List - December, 1995
| Menu driven, verbose list in .EXE format of
| Bulletin Boards in the 213, 310 and 818 area
| codes
MLITE10.ZIP 20005 01-27-96 MODEMSTA LITE 1.0: A minimal modem status
| indicator for Win3 and Win95. FREEWARE
MLKN1295.ZIP 25406 11-29-95 MetroLink International Network information
| packet and membership application 12/1/95
| The oldest open .QWK compatible PCBoard
| network in the US invites you to join
| Complete information enclosed. MetroLink is
| also starting to use FTS and a FIDO style
| nodelist is included
MODEM503.ZIP 36955 01-24-96 FaxModem Wizard v5.03 Fine tune your Modem
| and resolve COM-IRQ problems
MSDL0124.ZIP 55238 01-24-96 List of Files on Microsoft Download Service
| as of Jan 24,1996. T
MYCMM231.ZIP 173927 11-05-95 MyComm v2.31 data communications program
| Powerful, yet small (175K). Supports Zmodem
| Ymodem, Ymodem-G, Xmodem, Xmodem-1K, Kermit
| and ASCII file transfers, and up to six
| external protocols. Supports TTY, ANSI
| VT-52, & VT-100 terminal emulations. Many
| more features including an easy to use
| script" language. Shareware $25 + $2 S&H
NWSDEC95.ZIP 8834 12-14-95 The Myth of 28.8kbps. Newsletter article by
| Hank Volpe, author of Modem Doctor
| explaining the problems involved with
| getting 28.8kbps connections. Included are
| simple tips to troubleshoot phone and modem
| problems. Non-profit and user groups can
| freely reprint
PPDMODEM.ZIP 16585 12-04-95 12/95 modem.dat for procomm plus dos.
PPWMODEM.ZIP 189974 12-04-95 12/95 modem.dat file for procomm plus win 2
| AREA BBS'S Extended BBS ads (up to 30 lines
| and including ascii graphics) run 3 months
| for just $10.00 Other ads of legal purpose
| accepted - they ride along, in a separate
| area. 1 - 30 lines - 3 months for $10.00.
| After March 10, 1996, download your latest
| monthly PRIME* from the Arizona ConneXXion
| BBS at 602-649-6488
QCOM320H.ZIP 450824 11-21-95 QCOM v3.20. A DOS communications pgm Easy
| to use, features auto-script maker
| scroll-back with quoter, mini-BBS host music
| support, file tagging for batch uploads and
| easy modem setup. Supports ANSI, TTY VT100
| emulations. X/Y/ZModem built in and can use
| other external protocols Includes QMP v0.20
| offline mail reader Oct/95
QFMODEM.ZIP 11254 01-01-96 QFMODEM Version 1.0 Released 1/1/1996
| QFMODEM automatically detects modems
| presented in a PC. It will also find out
| the fax capability of the modem QFMODEM is
| very small. Freeware, DOS program.
| Uploaded by Anthony Mai
QLOG321.ZIP 164497 11-06-95 v3.21) QLOG-Log book and terminal program
| integrated, easy and quick to use If connect
| with Packet Cluster: intercept the spot dx,
| search country, display all informations,
| and fill the fields with data of dx call.
| Utility for digital communications in HF
| with TNC, and utility for log book
| management (print label for qsl Card, worked
| country, sort by data etc ) by IK5HGL
RSU15B.ZIP 102163 11-11-95 RSU 1.5b (Remote Software Update distributes
| software over a network Determine the users'
| latest update level Copy lines or whole
| sections, INI or text Add or delete lines or
| sections Insert variables into INI files
| Replicate directories and get a report
| Detect hardware And more. Fully functional
| Shareware, $59 per 100 users, free for
| non-network use
SDL1101.ZIP 243572 12-01-95 11/1/95 Flash ROM code for U.S. Robotics
| Courier V.Everything This is current
| production code. Flash program is DOS
| based. For domestic US/Canada modems only
SIV100.ZIP 211483 12-27-95 Dsvd whiteboard. 9600bps modem soundcard
SUPRT512.ZIP 13201 11-24-95 Tech Support List (Beta) for December 1995
| Lists over 550 vendors that run a BBS,
| FaxBack's or Internet Site for product
| information or technical support. Now
| updated monthly! Created by Gary Barr of
| the Digicom BBS 812-479-1310, FREQ Updates
| at 1:2310/200
THINK028.ZIP 14069 01-26-96 Thinking magazine issue #28 bbs political.
TM421_1.ZIP 169062 02-06-96 TELEMATE 4.21, Powerful comm program, 1 of 4
| TELEMATE is a multi-threading communication
| program. Featuring ANSI/Avatar/VT52/VT102
| terminal, editor, viewer, huge backscroll,
| clipboard and many unique functions.
| Built-in mouse support provides easy access
| to all functions. This high quality comm
| program gives you OS/2-like power in a DOS
| program.
TM421_2.ZIP 231372 02-06-96 TELEMATE 4.21, Powerful comm program, 2 of 4
TM421_3.ZIP 169590 02-06-96 TELEMATE 4.21, Powerful comm program, 3 of 4
TM421_4.ZIP 229916 02-06-96 TELEMATE 4.21, Powerful comm program, 4 of 4
| Part 4 includes Telemate supporting files
| and the bundled GIFLink protocol driver that
| allows you to view transmitting GIF images
| in stunning SuperVGA graphics! Support
| X/Y/Zmodem/CIS QuickB. Can skip receiving
| images. Easy to install.
TSETDISK.ZIP 315017 01-27-96 TSETDISK.ZIP - Creates installation disk for
| TimeSet-TSR (TM), the memory-resident ver of
| TimeSet (TM), for setting computer clocks to
| atomic time by phone. Run enclosed program
| TSETDISK.COM, it copies an image file to
| drive A or B (720k). Then switch to that
| drive and type INSTALL. Required files are
| copied to your hard drive, TimeSet-TSR is
| installed in memory, and the configuration
| program is loaded for customizing
TSETTSR8.ZIP 167426 01-21-96 TimeSet-TSR v.8.00 - Memory-Resident TimeSet
| TSR version of TimeSet, the classic program
| for setting computers to official time
| sources by modem and telephone. Pops up
| daily or once a week on a specified day to
| get atomic time automatically from the U.S
| Naval Observatory or the National Institute
| of Standards and Technology. Accessible by
| hot keys from any program. Shareware from
| Life Sciences Software. U.S. $40.00
UNIMODV.ZIP 463015 11-16-95 Unimodem v for '95 tapi specs and drivers (?)
USRST200.ZIP 25673 12-14-95 USRSTATS MEX Version 2.00 (requires a
| USRobotics modem). Users find out all about
| their connection to the BBS.
VCOMM300.ZIP 556362 12-14-95 v3.00) Vcomm - Windows telecom program Vcomm
| is an excellent telecom program for Windows.
| It has all the popular file transfer
| protocols and terminal emmulations. Vcomm
| also has autologon drag and drop file
| transfers. With its easy to use interface
| powerful features VComm is a sure bet
| Shareware (US$ 10.- Check/MO PO BOX 422
| Morristown, MN, 55052
WINTEL30.ZIP 311003 12-01-95 Wintel v3.0: full featured MS-Windows comm
| ASCII, Xmodem, Xmodem-1K, Ymodem Batch &
| Zmodem; realtime GIF & offline GIF/JPEG
| viewer; DEC VT100, VT52, VT100 (ANSI Color)
XMASS95.ZIP 168024 12-01-95 XMASS95.ZIP - 50 ANSI CHRISTMAS Screens.
| From Wild Bee's BBS selected from the
| collections for use on Wild Cat bbs's.
| Direct dialing comm program included to the
| source of 5,000 ansi art screens on-line for
| viewing or downloading
XYZ101S.ZIP 54230 11-18-95 XYZ v1.0.1 - enables anyone to create their
| own software. No programming prerequisites
| no hard to remember syntax, symbols or
| reserved arguments. Simple to read and
| simple to write. Compiles to small code
| size and fast programs. Some size
| limitations Registration $30
ZIP202.ZIP 44334 11-03-95 ZIP 2.02 is a tiny utility to transfer files
| between computers (desktop, notebook, or
| handheld) over a serial cable at high speed
| 115,200 bps). Faster than many similar
| programs; no memory-resident drivers; user
| configurable. Menu driven, or command line
| operation (works well in batch files). Can
| compare directories, back up changed files
| or entire directory trees. Requires IBM PC
| compatibles, "null modem" serial cable
| Shareware